We all love our sports bags, and we wish they were suitable for all situations. But often, you will have difficulty taking your large women’s sports bag everywhere with you and a small backpack can only hold a limited amount of things. While each bag has its own optimal uses, constantly transferring items only makes things worse. The solution ? Find an optimal bag size and have a modular organization system to store all your belongings, in all circumstances.
When you need to carry a bunch of things, it is very important to group them by category. Before you can create a modular organization for your gym bags, you need to know what those modules will be.
What exactly is a module?
It’s just a compartment or container that holds one type of item, often in an organized fashion. When you have several, it’s easier to store everything. But before seeing the different ways to create your modules, you must first list the different categories of items to store in your backpack. Each person will have their own categories, but here are some common examples:
Once you’ve decided which modules you need, it’s time to figure out the best way to organize them.
There are many ways to make a module compact and organized, but some options work better than others. Let’s take a look at ways to keep things compact and easy to organize.
The pocket organizer is a rectangular board with a grid of elastic bands. Lift one, put something under it, and the object will stay in place. This is a very versatile storage tool but particularly suitable for electronic devices and small objects. Another advantage is that you can move it from one bag to another very easily.
The downside is that the elastics sometimes loosen and the stored items can then come loose and slide. This happens after being stretched by a large object and then used to try to hold a smaller one. In this case, you may prefer closed cases.
Mesh bags don’t offer much organization on their own. But if you just need to easily get your hands on a few items that won’t get lost at the bottom of the bag, these can serve as a module for that. Some have a hook on the top to help you secure them in place in a specific location on your gym bag.
Closed cases and covers can form a storage module. They are based on the same principle as mesh bags, but they leave room for larger items or items that require greater protection. They are particularly suitable for laptops, cables, adapters, hard drives and various other items. Thanks to their handle, you can easily remove them from your bag. They are really perfect when you need storage with a little more height and shape that a sports bag cannot provide. Be careful, however, to choose them light so as not to increase the weight of the bag.
For dirty stuff after sweating at the gym, there’s nothing like a dirty laundry bag. Ideally, choose it waterproof, especially if you are swimming and have wet things to put in your bag.
A second dustbag can be used for your sports shoes.
Very practical for keeping a bottle of water cold during your session at the gym, the insulated pouch becomes essential in summer.
It is ultimately a storage cover for toiletries. It is generally lined to be waterproof.
The second way to have a modular bag is to choosing a compartmentalized bag, like backpacks sportswear Karkoa.
With this type of bag, there is no need to buy a bag organizer or additional pockets, everything is already planned in the design of the bag itself:
A well-prepared bag saves a lot of time. So to be sure to always have a well-organized bag, choose from Karkoa compartmentalized backpacks.
We are a French sports bag brand. To improve your daily life, we design our bags with various types of compartments: shoes, computer, dirty belongings, and insulated. Karkoa bags are suitable for athletes, workers and travelers because they are practical, resistant and comfortable.
6 rue Léo Lagrange 42270 Saint Priest en Jarez – France
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