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Was gehört in eine GS CP-Schwimmtasche zusätzlich zu Badeanzug und Badekappe?

Learning to swim from primary school enables pupils to develop their self-confidence and feel at ease in an aquatic environment.

In this article, you’ll discover the content of the swimming programme laid down by the French Education Nationale for pupils in cycle 2. You’ll also find out everything a CP pupil’s swimming backpack should contain for a swimming session.

To find out what to put in the GS nursery swimming bag, please refer to our guide on this subject.

Der Schwimmzyklus 2 für Schülerinnen und Schüler der CP/CE1

As well as developing the child’s independence and motor skills, pool sessions also give them the opportunity to socialise with other pupils.

The programme ultimately requires the pupil to acquire certain concepts relating to entering the water, immersion and movement.

  • For entry into the water, the pupil must be independent and know how to slide off a floating mat or jump to a standing position without any assistance.
  • For immersion, the pupil must be able to pass under or through weighted objects such as an immersed hoop and know how to remain balanced with the head vertical. They must also be able to pick up objects at medium depth and move them from point A to point B.
  • For movement, the student must know how to stay in place, in balance and without plantar support. They must then learn to move in the prone or dorsal position using a board. They must also learn to move around 8 metres unaided, on their stomach or on their back.

When accompanying the pupils, there must be a person in charge of the activity who will be the main person involved, as well as an approved adult who is a professional providing technical skills. Other volunteers may also be involved to help organise and set up the activity.

Der Inhalt der Schwimmtasche in der Grundschule

The contents of a swimming pool bag for a child in primary school remain the same regardless of their cycle. For the water, he needs a suitable swimming costume and a swimming cap. Goggles are also recommended to protect their eyes and enable them to open their eyes in the water. As children are often active, non-slip pool shoes are essential to avoid slips at the edge of the pool.

In terms of hygiene, soap and shampoo will be useful for washing. A towel that absorbs well is essential to allow the child to dry off properly. In addition, a change of clothes that will keep warm is also a must, as once out of the pool, the temperature felt may not be the same.

The other equipment used for the activity such as floating objects are already provided by the establishment hosting the sessions. Finally, ideally, the child’s bag should be waterproof so that they don’t get all their belongings wet inside.

Zum Abschluss des CP CE1-Schwimmlehrplans

At the end of the swimming 2 cycle programme, the pupil will be able to move independently in medium-depth water over a distance of at least 15 metres. The pupil’s motor responses will be improved and they will be more confident in the water.

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