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Bulgarian split squat: presentation, variations, mistakes to avoid, demonstration

Anyone who works out will be familiar with the squat. The Bulgarian split squat is a bodybuilding exercise designed to strengthen the gluteal and quadriceps muscles.

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Easy to set up as it requires little equipment, the bulgarian split squat is gaining ground among fitness or crossfit practitioners, especially as the results obtained are quickly visible.

Why do the Bulgarian split squat?

The aim of the Bulgarian squat is to work the gluteal muscles and quadriceps first and foremost. Other muscles or muscle groups are also exercised, such as the hamstrings, abdominal muscles and adductors, but to a lesser extent.

Often performed using only body weight, the Bulgarian split squat allows you to work in depth, particularly as it requires you to maintain your balance throughout the exercise. The muscles are particularly hard at work.

How do you perform the Bulgarian split squat?

One of the huge advantages of the Bulgarian split squat is that it can be performed virtually anywhere and requires very little equipment. Whether you’re at home, outdoors or in the gym, you can do it. All you need to get started is a stable, raised support such as a chair, bench or low wall.

Bulgarian squat without equipment

To practise the Bulgarian squat, you start by placing one foot on the chosen surface (chair, bench, low wall, etc.). It is the top of the foot that should be in contact with the surface, so it will be behind. The other foot should remain steady on the ground. The leg should form a 90° angle at the knee. Keep your torso upright and look as far as possible. The head should remain in line with the spine.

Now that you’re ready, the exercise will consist of performing a vertical flexion of the supporting leg on the ground, supported by the heel. Once you’re down, push on your leg to return to the initial position.

Perform about ten movements per set, and do three to five sets, pausing for a minute and a half each time. Inhale as you bend your leg and exhale as you extend it.

Bulgarian squat variant with dumbbells

More experienced exercisers can add to the difficulty of the exercise by using dumbbells.

In this case, the dumbbells should be in a neutral grip, meaning that the palms of the hands are facing each other. Next, the exercise is exactly the same, except that you add the weight of the dumbbells to the bodyweight work.

A few tips for performing the bulagarian split squat correctly

Throughout the bulgarian split squat exercise, it is important to remain vertical at all times. You must go down straight, without bringing the knee forward too much. Only then will the gluteal muscles work properly.

The ascent must be done solely thanks to the thrust of the leg allowing the support on the ground. It must bear most of the body’s weight. The supporting foot is only used to maintain balance and to concentrate the work on the gluteal muscles.

Only use dumbbells when you have already mastered the movement. The bulgarian split squat requires you to work on your balance. As long as you haven’t acquired this, you shouldn’t add any weight. Once you have mastered the exercise, you can add weight, but do not increase the number of movements per set.

The ideal crossfit bag

The bulgarian split squat requires very little equipment, but depending on your training programme, you may need more. The crossfit bag Karkoa Tepee 45 or Smartbag 40 (if you prefer a backpack) models are perfect. Despite their small size, you’ll be able to easily carry your sports gear, a change of clothes, toiletries or even small dumbbells.

Multiple compartments make it easy to organise your belongings, a waterproof bag keeps dirty laundry separate from the bag’s contents and a dedicated compartment can hold a pair of shoes.

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