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Where does the name Rocky Balboa come from?...

On 30 November 1956, a heavyweight boxer became a legend. What made him special? He...

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Why does the winner of the Tour de France wear a yellow...

Born in 1903, the Tour de France has seen many winners. But how could you...

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Origin of Badminton: Where does Badminton get its name ...

Indian Poona, the origin of badminton Indian poona inspired our modern badminton. Having fallen into...

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How long was the longest boxing match in history?...

Longest boxing match In 1893, Bowen and Burke fought for the world lightweight championship. The...

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Why are we called Fanny when we lose without scoring a ...

In the 19th century, Fanny, a young lady from the Croix-Rousse district of Lyon, used...

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In cycling, why is the last place in the standings call...

To answer that question, let’s compare a peloton to a train: a loco that pulls...

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Why run 42 Km 195 to complete a Marathon?...

During the battle of Marathon in Greece, a messenger named Phidippides was sent to Athens...

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