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Exercice street workout

More and more often, while out and about, we come across sports enthusiasts practising various forms of exercise in the street, in parks or on public sports trails. They use either outdoor sports equipment or street furniture. They are practising what is known as “street workout”.

Summary :

Let’s take a look at where this discipline comes from, what it covers and some of the most common exercises.

What is street workout?

Street workout is a sport that involves performing bodyweight exercises in an urban environment. It’s a great way to work out in the open air, without being cooped up in a gym.

The movement originated in the United States in the early 1990s. It has become better known in recent years and has gained in popularity thanks to the many Youtube videos it has posted.

Any piece of street furniture can be used for exercise. A bench, a post, bars or barriers can all be used as “apparatus” to work the body. The aim of all these bodyweight exercises is to increase muscle mass and strength. They also improve flexibility and balance.

Who does street workout?

Street workout is for everyone. Beginners and experienced athletes alike can practise street workout, as long as they choose exercises that are adapted to their level. The exercises will become increasingly difficult as you progress through the training sessions.

Street workout or bodybuilding?

The aim of street workout is to increase muscle mass, so it is in direct competition with bodybuilding. Which method is more effective? In fact, none at all. The two training methods complement each other. Bodybuilding allows you to work in a targeted way, using machines or equipment, and to make fairly rapid progress. Street workout requires no equipment. So it’s free to do. Bodyweight training helps you to improve your posture and flexibility, as well as working on your balance.

With regular practice, street workout helps you sculpt your figure by increasing muscle mass and reducing body fat.

Some street workout exercises

As with all sports, it’s important to choose exercises that are suited to your level of fitness.

Street Workout exercises for beginners

The pumps

Start in a plank, with your hands shoulder-width apart and your arms outstretched, pelvis locked. Lower your torso to the ground, then return to your initial position by pushing on your arms. Don’t forget to contract your abdominal muscles during the exercise and keep your body aligned. If the exercise is too difficult at first, you can do it on your knees.

Dips on the parallel bars

Lean forward slightly on two parallel bars with your knees bent. Push up with your arms, then slowly lower until your arms are parallel to the floor. Then return to your initial position at the top. Take particular care to move up and down gradually and smoothly. Be careful not to fully extend your arms to protect your joints. If the exercise is too difficult, you can start by keeping your feet on the ground.


Suspend yourself from a fixed bar with your hands more than shoulder-width apart. Keep your feet parallel. Pull on your arms to raise your body upwards. When your chin reaches the top of the bar, lower yourself back down. Never fully extend your arms so as not to put too much strain on your joints. Always check your descent.


Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart. Spread your feet slightly outwards and stretch your arms out in front of you. Bend your legs until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Then push up on your legs and return to your initial position. Keep your back straight and contract your abdominal muscles, looking far ahead throughout the exercise.

Bust raising on the floor

Lie on the floor, bend your legs slightly and spread your feet to the width of your pelvis. Place your hands at your temples and roll your torso forward. Then return to your initial position. Make sure you keep your lumbar vertebrae on the floor and contract your abdominal muscles throughout the exercise.

Street Workout exercises for intermediate athletes

Jumping jacks

Jumping push-ups are great for building explosive arm strength. Position yourself in the same way as you would do traditional push-ups, with your feet together and your arms outstretched. Lower your torso to the ground, but on the way back up, push explosively to create an upper-body jump. On landing, return to your initial position. Be sure to bend your elbows slightly on landing to absorb the impact and protect your joints.

Variations on dips

To increase the difficulty of the exercise, you can do different variations of dips:

  • Straight chest: instead of leaning forward, keep your whole body straight.
  • With a spread grip: spread your supports so as to intensify the work on your muscles.
  • With a weighted waistcoat: this increases your weight and the difficulty of the exercise.

Jump squats

For this exercise, you perform a squat, but as you come up, you push on your legs explosively to perform a vertical jump. Bend your knees slightly on landing to protect your joints.


The v-sit will particularly challenge your abdominal muscles. Lie on your back with your legs straight and your arms stretched behind your head. Raise your legs slightly and contract your abdominal muscles. Then raise your legs, still straight, and touch your feet with your hands. Then lower your legs and arms, and unroll your torso to return to your initial position.

Street Workout exercises for experienced athletes

The push-up handstand

Stand under the pull-up bar. Grip it and perform an explosive pull so that your elbows are above the bar. Once you’ve reached the top of the movement, straighten your arms to perform a dips and then descend in the same way, maintaining control. Don’t fully extend your arms to protect your joints.

The dragon flag

Lie on a bench or inclined board with your legs straight up so that the weight of your body rests on your shoulders and the back of your head. Grasp the bench behind your head to support yourself throughout the exercise. Brace your body to make it as rigid as possible. This is a formidable exercise and requires good abdominal muscles to protect the very stressed spine. Lower your body as low as possible, then return to your initial position.

To conclude on Street Workout exercises

Street workout requires little or no equipment, so a Karkoa bag from the Smartbag or Tepee range is ideal for carrying all your gear. Whether it’s sportswear, a towel, a toilet bag or a work bag, Karkoa bags allow you to store everything you need efficiently and separately. So you can exercise whenever you want, before or after work or during your lunch break.

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