A swim bag doesn’t have to be from a brand dedicated to swimming. Yes, not every swimmer uses a Speedo or Arena bag! The important thing is to have a functional, waterproof sports bag with separate compartments for your gear, a small pocket for valuables, a large compartment for your towel and clothes, etc.
In this sense, Karkoa sports bags meet this need perfectly and make excellent pool bags.
Tip: First in, last out. Pack your bag in the order of what you’ll need first. One of the last things you’ll need after your swim session is a change of clothes, so put it at the bottom. Items you’ll need as soon as you arrive – like your swimsuit or a toy for your younger brother – should be placed last in the bag.
While the pool bag carries everything you’ll need for the pool (and possibly the gym), the mesh bag carries all the equipment you’ll need to take with you on your swim lane for swimming practice: swim plates, snorkel, or flippers are all in the mesh bag.
Although only listed in third place, the swimsuit is obviously the essential item to have in your pool bag.
For men, please note that most swimming pools don’t allow shorts. So make sure you bring your own swimming trunks.
Depending on pool regulations, bathing caps may also be compulsory. Don’t forget it before you leave.
If you have long hair, a hair tie will keep your hair out of your eyes. And if you have to wear a cap, it’ll make it easier to put on.
A pair of flip-flops or pool sandals is ideal for walking by the pool. Wearing flip-flops protects you from bacteria and viruses, especially those that cause plantar warts.
If you’re going to the pool in relaxed sunshine mode, a soft, wide-brimmed hat helps protect the delicate skin on your face from the sun.
You normally arrive at the pool with the clothes you’ll be leaving with. If you want to change after your session, bring a change of clothes.
Tip: If you’re taking your kids to swimming lessons in the evening, bring pyjamas and a cozy bathrobe to change into after class. Once they’re out of the pool, showered and dressed, they’ll be ready for bed.
Alongside your swimsuit, a pair of swimming goggles is the only truly essential accessory. Indispensable, because they protect your eyes from chlorine and help you see other swimmers and the wall underwater!
The best swimming goggles are those that are most comfortable for you. You’ll probably have to try on several before you find the pair that’s right for you.
And don’t forget to pack a spare pair of glasses in your sports bag.
Silicone earplugs keep water out of your ears.
Not an essential accessory for most swimmers, but for those with ear problems, it’s essential to have a reliable pair of earplugs in your bag.
Paddles increase the contact surface of your hands with the water. This allows you to swim faster, but more importantly, to work all your arm muscles harder. If you’re looking to build upper-body muscles, don’t forget your paddles!
Like fins, flippers increase the surface area in contact with the water. You swim faster, but you also work your leg muscles harder.
A good pair of fins won’t give you blisters on your feet, can be worn comfortably for long periods of training and won’t tear. Silicone fins are recommended.
Fins are ideal for use during swimming exercises if you want to tone and refine your legs.
The snorkel is a useful tool for balancing your stroke and reinforcing a better head and hip position. Plus, it’s fun to breathe noisily through the mouthpiece, just like scuba diving.
Swimmers sweat. They really sweat. It may not be as obvious as when you go to the gym, but it happens, basin after basin, as your body burns calories and sweats in the water.
For an athlete, staying properly hydrated is as simple as it is necessary. But you’d be surprised how often swimmers forget this basic rule.
So remember to take a bottle of water with you. What’s more, Karkoa bags have an isothermal pocket to keep a large bottle cool.
A swimmer’s appetite is legendary. Training and long hours in the pool often give him the munchies.
But instead of waiting until you get home to refuel, have a post-workout snack. This could be a banana and a protein shake, for example.
For kids, fresh fruit and granola bars are quick and healthy snack options.
Sunburn is a real risk at the water’s edge. So protect yourself and your children with sunscreen. Use one with a minimum SPF 30 and reapply every two hours, more frequently if you’re in the water.
Don’t forget your lips! A lip balm with UV protection can prevent chapped, dry lips and help prevent sunburn.
They protect your eyes from the sun’s glare. But don’t wear your best brand-name sunglasses to the pool. Accidents happen, and your sunglasses could end up at the bottom of the pool.
If you have a child who can’t swim well, drowning prevention devices such as life jackets are essential, even if lifeguards are present. When the pool is crowded, your child can easily get lost in the crowd.
Children are prone to cuts and scrapes when playing around the pool. A first-aid kit can also help with headaches and allergies. Take a small first-aid kit containing disinfectant and a few bandages.
Children love to play with water. Provide a few toys, such as water pistols or balls. One toy per child is more than enough. You don’t need to pack every toy you own for a single session.
Children sometimes prefer a swimming mask to goggles, as the mask prevents water from entering the nose.
If another adult is watching your children, you can relax with a book or Kindle. Just make sure you have a waterproof case for your tablet or phone.
If you’re afraid to take your eyes off your children, you can always enjoy an audio book on your mp3.
It’s great to wrap up in a big beach towel after getting out of the pool. And it’s just as nice to lie back on a poolside lounger. So pack at least one towel per person.
For competitive swimmers, a microfiber towel is quick-drying.
The advantage is that they take up very little space in the backpack, dry quickly and are very inexpensive.
Although they don’t offer the comfort of a large, luxurious cotton towel, microfiber towels are the ideal solution if your pool bag is already quite full.
When you get out of the pool, a good shower will remove the chlorine from your skin and hair. To save space, consider solid soaps. There are even solid shampoos. What’s more, you’ll be doing your bit for the planet by reducing plastic consumption!
If you have long hair that tends to tangle, conditioner will come in handy in your pool bag.
Tip: Put conditioner in your bathing cap! Some people find it much easier to put a bathing cap on and take it off if you apply a small amount of conditioner to your hair first. This way, you’ll also have silky-smooth hair once you’ve showered after your swim.
Prolonged contact with chlorinated water tends to dry out the skin. Apply a moisturizing lotion when you leave the pool to keep your skin supple and hydrated.
If you want to get out after leaving the pool, a comb or brush can be a lifesaver. Otherwise, you risk ending up with tangled hair.
There’s nothing worse than trying to freshen up at the vending machine only to find you haven’t got any change. What’s more, you may need change for the pool locker. So keep a few coins in the handy little pockets of your sports bag.
Having a waterproof bag handy to put wet swimwear in is ideal. You can use a plastic bag, but it may leak. If you don’t want everything in your bag to be soaked by the time you get home, use a waterproof bag like those offered with Karkoa pool bags.
You now have a complete list of everything you need to pack in your swimming backpack. Now all you have to do is enjoy your session!
We are a French sports bag brand. To improve your daily life, we design our bags with various types of compartments: shoes, computer, dirty belongings, and insulated. Karkoa bags are suitable for athletes, workers and travelers because they are practical, resistant and comfortable.
6 rue Léo Lagrange 42270 Saint Priest en Jarez – France
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